ASD Web Signer – Technical requirements and installation guide

Component Description

The ASD Web Signer component allows users to obtain new digital signature using a personal digital certificate. This component runs on many operating systems and different web browsers.
Digital certificate files used for creation of new signatures should be:

Client Computer System Requirements

Supported Operating System

The ASD Web Signer component is supported on these operating systems:

Supported browsers

Client web applications, which use the ASD Web Signer for signing content, must run on following browsers:

Additional Third-Party Required Components

Client computers must have the following additional components/software installed:

Installation Guide

The ASD Web Signer application must be successfully installed onto a client computer from which the documents signing process is to run. Before installing this component, make sure your client computer meets our basic system requirements. When installing the component, the administrative privileges are not required. Every user who is using the computer and requires to access the component service must install the component under his local user account.

MS Windows

  1. Download the MSI installation package.
  2. Click on the MSI file to run the installation process. Then confirm to proceed with installation.
  3. Now the component is ready and you can start using the digital signature service from your client web application.
  4. When running the ASD Web Signer component for the first time, your web browser might ask you to confirm or stop proceeding. There is also the option not to be ask/inform about it the next time. You can select it. Then confirm the proceeding.
  5. If your certificate is a file, it must be saved in the directory %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ASDWebSigner\Certificates, or the user can configure additional file and directory resources with certificates in the application.


  1. Download the DMG installation disk.
  2. Run the "Finder" application to find the downloaded DMG file. Open this file by selecting the [Open] option on the context menu. Confirm the security check by selecting the [Open] option.
  3. The "Install ASDWebSigner" screen will open. There, drag the "ASDWebSigner" icon using the mouse and drop it onto the "Applications" icon.
  4. Close the "Install ASDWebSigner" screen and safely stop and remove the connected DMG disk using the [Eject] option.
  5. Now the components is ready and you can start using the digital signature from your web application.
  6. When running the ASD Web Signer component for the first time, your web browser might ask you to confirm or stop proceeding. There is also the option not to be ask/inform about it the next time. You can select it. Then confirm the proceeding.
  7. When running the ASD Web Signer component for the first time, your OSX might ask you to confirm first application running. Confirm it by chose "Open" command.
  8. If your certificate is a file, it must be saved in the directory ~/Library/Preferences/ASDWebSigner/Certificates, or the user can configure additional file and directory resources with certificates in the application.


  1. Download the sh shell installation script.
  2. Run the downloaded script using the command sh ./ASDWebSigner-Linux-[version].sh.
  3. Now the components is ready and you can start using the digital signature from your web application.
  4. When running the ASD Web Signer component for the first time, your web browser might ask you to confirm or stop proceeding. There is also the option not to be ask/inform about it the next time. You can select it. Then confirm the proceeding.
  5. If your certificate is a file, it must be saved in the directory ~/.ASDWebSigner/Certificates, or the user can configure additional file and directory resources with certificates in the application.


  1. Install Android application ASD WebSigner from Google Play.
  2. Now the component is ready and you can start using the digital signature service from your client web application.


  1. Install iOS application ASD WebSigner from Apple Store.
  2. Now the component is ready and you can start using the digital signature service from your client web application.