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AsdWebSignerHtmlHelperRegisterStartSignatureOnClick Method

Register javascript to onclick event on Button for start signing in application host process.

Namespace:  ASDSoft.WebSigner.Server.AspNetCore
Assembly:  ASDSoft.WebSigner.Server (in ASDSoft.WebSigner.Server.dll) Version: 2.5.0
public IHtmlContent RegisterStartSignatureOnClick(
	CreateSessionRequest request,
	string statusInfoControlClientId = null,
	string onSessionStatusTextChangedClientMethodName = null,
	string onSessionEndClientMethodName = null


Type: ASDSoft.WebSigner.Server.BrowserCreateSessionRequest
Content identification for signing.
statusInfoControlClientId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional Client ID of Html Element for show signing status (progress) message. For example SPAN or DIV element.
onSessionStatusTextChangedClientMethodName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional javascript method name for custom show signing status (progress) message. Signature of the method must be: (statusText: string, isError: boolean): void;
onSessionEndClientMethodName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional javascript method name for custom handle ending signing, for example for redirecting to another page. Signature of the method must be: (sesionStatus: AsdWebSigner.SessionStatus): void;

Return Value

Type: IHtmlContent
HTML onclick attribute.
See Also